Reselling investment calculator

- Easily get a profit estimation from your investiment
- Check the mortgage impact in your profit
- get your cost estimate to hold the property during the time
- include your estimated costs into your investment
Why to use the habimarket resell calculator?
Every real estate investment must be one step further to solidify your finance. Having that said, before investing your money, you should have a quick vision of the end result of this investment taking into account the major bullets that impact the investment to help you with an informed decision on what to do.

What to take into account..
The reselling strategy has many variables to take into acctount. In order to decide if you’re making a good deal remember a few things:
Property purchase
This is the amount that you will pay for the property including closing cost ( taxes, fees, other legal cost to acquire the property).
own capital investment
It’s the amount of money that you put down to purchase the property, rehab, pay for property costs. It may differ from the total investment cost as you may have financed your investment or partner to invest.
rehabing costs
All the costs to rehab the property. It will depend of how deep you want this to go.
Take into account cost of materials, labor, legal and fees necessary.
Cost of keeping the property
Until the property is sold you will have to pay for every legal fee or monthly cost attached to it.
future value
This is the expected market value after rehabing or after hold the property for a period of time.
It might differ from what you expect to get from selling the property.
Financed investment
It’s totaly natural to consider a financed investment. Take into account not just the monthly mortgage but also the final amount that you must pay to get free from this liability.